Elisa Albury

Elisa Albury


I have not always been a tidy person. (Yes you read that correctly). As a young child, some of my favorite things to do included straightening the pantry, cleaning my closet, or reorganizing the linens. This neatness slowly eroded away and a creative, busy, and messy teen replaced the child who enjoyed playing the make-believe games of “office” and “paying bills” with the family junk mail. As a young adult I struggled to keep up with papers of all kinds—school notes, mail, finances, and statements. I was always a “stacker” of things—books, papers, more papers, and clothes, for example.

In November 2014, I discovered the New York Times’ bestseller—The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I could not read it fast enough before beginning my tidying marathon. This event took a full six months with a few months being stuck in the middle. As a veteran quilter my primary motivation was to get my quilt supplies under control. Working through the process I realized I had other plans about creating my ideal lifestyle.

Deciding to become a Certified KonMari™ Consultant was a natural next step as I began to tidy other areas of my life outside the confines of my home. In 2018 I became the first certified consultant in Salt Lake City, UT. I truly believe what Marie says in The LCMTU—The moment you start you reset your life

Let me show you how.